Adventure and Sci-Fi Books for the Family.

Fictional novels introduces you to people and places that do not exist, yet when you start reading the words, you begin to sense that they really do.

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the pillars that support

Western Wave

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A Family Adventure

a few words

About the series

Entertaining the mind, fictional novels present characters and settings that come to life through the eyes of the reader. Providing an avenue into the authors’ imagination, where enchanting stories with exciting plots lay just beyond the next page.

The Western Wave series is for the literary and science fiction reader who is not afraid to venture into the realm of possibilities. A reader, capable of embracing a light-hearted, fast paced, ever-changing story which challenges the notion of ‘Settled Science’. Bolstering the concept of what a family is, and what a family can be.

Whether you call it desteny, fate, or chance, there is no denying the fact that forces have aligned. Placing the West family center stage, in a play which insists that one of the three, suffers a fatal blow, before the end of act one. But death is the least of your worries, when one holds the title; ‘Guardian of dodge’.

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Geez, I thought this story would never end. Well, okay, there is another installment coming. Just resting my fingers

John Selle

The Western Wave series is a Sci-Fi thriller filled with action, sarcastic remarks, and a stubborn family that lets nothing get in the way of their missions. From the first chapter, you’re hooked on the entire series! Johns attention to detail and endless vocabulary grabs your attention right from the start. This series will have you dancing the Western Wave!

Rachel S.

His writing skills are better than his binding skills. At least for the first book I was given to read. The pages started falling out. However, that version of the book doesn’t exist anymore and I think this latest one will stand the test of time.


Wanted to give a shout-out to the No Agenda show for their kind words of support. Thanks. (ep. 1486)

John Selle

from the author

The long road

Wanting to tell a story, verses committing to the idea of writing one, are two very different concepts. How long will the story be? How does one make the story entertaining enough to suck the reader in? How far down the rabbit hole of fiction will the audience allow? Is the character development lacking?

This journey has given me insight regarding my own writing skills. The need to keep a complex story, believable, and yet, resolve the plot-line without leaving a bunch of questionable gaps. “Hurrah! Finished.”

Now comes the editing. Then the realization that the entire second chapter of the first book needs to be eliminated and replaced with something better. This, in turn, forces the rewrite of all three books. Again with the editing. Now try to get someone other than yourself to read the final product and give an evaluation. Good luck with that one.

So, here we are at a point in the road where I present this bit of fiction to the masses.

I hope you enjoy the offering.

John Selle

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